How to do more with your data

Written by AIM Team
Estimated read time: 1 minutes.

Domestic Data Streamers (DDS) is a creative studio based in Barcelona, that AIM has engaged as a communication partner because we believe our field can learn a lot from their vision of data.


"DDS believes the world cannot be understood without numbers, but that it cannot be understood with numbers alone. While we recognize how useful data can be for explaining realities in depth,  we believe that in order to drive change, people need to care about these numbers. And storytelling is an ancient and powerful tool in understanding the world in a deeper and more human way.

Our installations and exhibitions combine both, exploring new data languages to turn spreadsheets into stories people can connect with" 

— Axel Gasulla, DDS Founding Partner.


Read more about the story of DDS and their way of thinking through Typeform’s article “How to do more with your data. Lessons from Domestic Data Streamers”

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